Tax office

Tax office

Online services

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  • Information on the topic of "Authentication" for online services

    What does "authentication" mean?

    Authentication means that it is checked whether you are actually the person who wants to submit the online application.

    To this end, we offer you various procedures that are designed to make the process as simple as possible for you as the applicant - where this is justifiable. In certain cases, however, higher requirements must be imposed in the interests of both your security and ours. Depending on the level of trust required for an online service, the authentication requirements increase accordingly.

    You can download information on the possible authentication procedures via the following link:

    Where can I register for a Bund ID account?

    If you would like to register your own account with the Bund-ID, please follow this link:

    You can watch a video explaining the different ways to create a Bund ID account via the following link:

    Online-Dienst zum Kennenlernen der Bund-ID:
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    We endeavor to make our websites accessible. You can find details on this in our accessibility statement. You can send us suggestions for improvement via our feedback form Report accessibility.

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    Use TAB and SHIFT + TAB to navigate through next/previous links, form elements and buttons.

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